What are the options with this? Talk to people who’ve already successfully dealt with something similar. Ask what they found helpful or difficult in making the change. Consider what could happen if you make this change and it goes well. Consider what realistically will likely happen if you go ahead. Are there any risks involved? Could you put some things in place to counteract these risks?
There’s no point making a change if you’re not (at least a little bit) prepared for what it will need back from you. It might require some time and commitment from you, some dedication and perhaps some financial, or emotional outlay to get to where you’re happiest and feeling in control. Give yourself your word that you will believe in yourself and be the friend you need throughout this time, the ups and the downs, until it gets there.
Change happens in an instant, but the build up leading up to that point can be gradual and it can take confidence. Practice being more you everyday, a little at a time, choosing the occasional little thing to be politely straight forwards and honest about. You will begin to feel more and more accepting and at ease with yourself, in your chosen opinions, decisions and feelings, until you’re being more authentic and supportive of yourself. Then, whatever is a bit out of line in your life, will really stand out as an issue for you. With the new found confidence you’re feeling, you’ll find it much harder to ignore, and feel passionate and ready to say something and improve it.
A year after you make the change, what would that you be like? Explore what the benefits of the decision have been, if any, what this change has positively brought into your life. Have you met any new people, discovered new things or new places you’ve enjoyed or are planning visiting now? Visualise where you are living; has it changed at all? Notice, if anything, what comforts and encourages you in your new lifestyle around you. Notice what demonstrates to you personally that the future you is more confident and happy. If the future you was to give you some advice, what do you think he or she would say to you?
For a good test, run this exact same exercise again on the you who decided to make no change. What do you notice?
As adults, you’d be surprised by how many changes we can ‘tweak’ as we’re going along. There’s no need to panic if you change your mind, there’s always routes back and new routes are constantly opening. But wait, why are you doubting yourself again? Believe in yourself! You have these feelings bubbling around for a reason. Your mind is just devising a way to get it done, that’s all. You’ve done your prep, now enjoy taking hold of the reins and seeing how this change can help you to grow! It sure is going to be interesting to find out. Go you!