checklist_visualSometimes, the best way to sort out some of your emotional or psychological issues is by getting at the root cause. While there are many ways to do this, there is a non-surgical, non-invasive treatment option called hypnotherapy. Let’s talk a little more about what hypnotherapy is and why you may want to give it a try.

What is Hypnotherapy?

Hypnotherapy is another name for hypnosis and is, simply put, the use of hypnosis as a treatment protocol for certain physical, mental, and emotional issues. When people are hypnotised, they are induced into a trance-like relaxed state of elevated concentration and focus.

In this state, the subject, guided by a qualified hypnotherapist, can effect rapid behaviour change, reflect and gain deeper understandings about problem behaviours and release stuck negative patterns from the mind and body. Done correctly and used by a qualified therapist for the right purposes, hypnotherapy can be very effective

Benefits of Hypnotherapy

People who are sceptical of hypnotherapy often refer to it as some strange sideshow, or a magician’s trick that doesn’t work. Yet, if studies and research have proven anything, it’s that hypnotherapy has many varied benefits, particularly when used as a complementary treatment protocol for certain mental, physical and emotional conditions. Here are some of the benefits reported.

Helps Relieve Stress and Anxiety

If you have a  consistently stressful life and feel you are constantly dealing with a lot of anxiety, then hypnotherapy can help ease the tension, helping you into a state of relaxation.

While there are studies looking into the long-term effects of this, there have also been none showing any harmful side effects. So, people who are dealing with anxiety, frequent panic attacks, and stress from work or home life can use this alternative option to gain a sense of peace and overall calmness.

Can Help Control Pain

Patients or individuals who are experiencing physical pain might find hypnotherapy effective at helping them more effectively manage their pain levels.

It is a holistic, non-medication driven treatment option for pain relief and management. If you have cancer, fibromyalgia, or other painful conditions, and don’t want to become dependent on opioids, you should try hypnotherapy as an option.

Behavioural Change

Sometimes, behavioural change can be very difficult, almost impossible. Even with counselling sessions, medications and psychiatric treatment, many individuals still find themselves exhibiting and returning to the same old habits that they sought to get rid of.

If you’re struggling with a particular habit, you should explore hypnotherapy as a possible treatment option. It’s been found to be effective for conditions like insomnia, enuresis (bedwetting), and habits like excessive food consumption, and smoking.

Mental Health Issues

Hypnotherapy can help with the treatment of and symptoms associated with mental health issues like depression, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and phobias. People who seek hypnotherapy for these conditions have found that they’re better able to cope with these conditions and even overcome them.

Should You Consult a Hypnotherapist?

This is a very personal decision that really depends largely on your condition. But remember that hypnotherapy is often used in addition to other treatment protocols. So yes, hypnotherapy can be used as a stand alone therapy or supportive therapy, in conjunction with other therapies.

You should also discuss this with your doctor if necessary. If you don’t know how to find a reputable and insured qualified hypnotherapist, simply drop us a message and we’ll be happy to help.